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What types of lifts do you have?Our range includes: Stairlifts. Disabled lifts for Residential and Commercial applications. Residential lifts for personal and limited mobility use up to 4 levels and 12 metres. Passenger lifts up to 6 levels. Low rise wheelchair lifts. Portable wheelchair platform lift. Goods lifts. Dumbwaiters.
Do you have wheelchair lifts?Yes, we are specializing in lifts for disabled use, all of our lifts can easily fit a standard wheelchair and most electric wheelchairs. For special needs, we can increase the size of the lift car to accommodate larger wheelchairs. For overcoming low rise vertical platform lifts and stair platform lifts are used.
What is the difference between a lift being installed for limited mobility use and general use?Under the Australian Standard, lift code AS1735, lifts are split into two categories; limited mobility/disabled use or passenger use. Setting guidelines on weight capacity, size, speed, means of drive and application (single residential dwelling and commercial) lifts are designed and built to comply with these standards. All manufacturers and distributors of lifts in Australia must comply with these standards.
What sort of special features do your lifts have for disabled use?Custom sized lift car. Automatic door operators. Sensory operation for lift car and doors. Dual car controls, audible and visual indicators. Automatic dialing telephone, in car alarm. Braille and tactile buttons, stainless steel handrail. Customized positioning of controls.
What types of lifts do you service ?The lifts we install are guaranteed to be serviceable with prompt access to parts during their life. Having extensive lift industry experience we also offer servicing other lift brands that fall in the same category as the lifts we supply including dumbwaiters, wheelchair and chair stairlifts. We are able to maintain in service most Australian made and European brands - we can supply an obligation free quote.
Is it true that if I want to incorporate a lift in my home I have to have a block shaft built?No. All of our lifts come with their own self supporting shaft. Therefore, no load bearing walls are required. In fact, depending on architectural design and decor the lift can have cladding attached directly to it's frame or be encased by stud walls.
Can you quote from my plans?Yes. Simply email your plans through and a consultant will contact you to discuss your specific requirements.
How often should I get my lift serviced and how much does it cost?For optimum performance, we recommend that our range of lifts be serviced annually by an approved lift technician. We highly recommend that you service your lift on a regular basis to ensure it's long term reliability. Our yearly service costs start at $225
How long does it take to install a lift?The portable Mobilift requires no installation and can be transported with a standard trailer or utility. The low rise platform lift can be installed within 1 day. The Gemini residential lift usually takes 1-2 days. Our other residential lifts take 3-5 days to install over the duration of the buildings construction. Our commercial lifts typically take between 3-5 days to install over the duration of buildings construction.
Are parts for CHOICElifts readily available?By supplying mainly Australian made lifts, we have continual stock of lift parts and components with prompt access to them. That is one of the benefits of buying Australian made. For lifts made outside Australia we have agreements made with lift manufacturers and part suppliers ensuring access to wearable parts.
Does the lift need a landline phone?Yes, it is a requirement under the lift industry standards. Without an operational phone line we are unable to commission a lift. Usually phone line is provided by means of extending existing or adding a landline phone or provision of a GSM gateway phone device using wireless network. Both options result in a similar cost.
Can CHOICElifts' lifts be installed into an existing building?Supplied with their own self supporting lift shaft our lifts are perfect for retrofitting as load bearing walls are not necessary. Selected cladding can be attached directly to the lift's shaft to reduce cost and size. Shaftless options may be fitted into an existing concrete lift shafts. We also offer removal and disposal options for lifts replaced with new ones.
Can a lift be installed externally?Yes, all of our lifts can be installed externally. In fact, most of the retrofits that we do have the lifts positioned externally with the landing door penetrating the external walls, resulting in the least amount of building works and disruption.
Is it true that some lifts are GST exempt?Under the ATO ruling lifts that are built to comply with AS1735 part 7, 14, 15, 16* and 17 are GST exempt when needed for limited mobility/disable use. * Recent ATO changes, now require part 16 lifts in commercial applications for non organization to be GST applicable.
Is a home elevator an affordable option for me?Offering a range of self supporting lifts from $16,000.00 to $60,000.00, investing in a lift is quite comparable and sometimes cheaper than the cost associated with moving. Especially when adding up cost of removalist, real estate fees, stamp duties and personal time. On going costs are kept to a minimum by very low power consumption and realistic service rates.
What sort of safety features do your lift have?Stainless steel handrail. Non-slip floor covering indoor/outdoor carpet. Emergency telephone. Two recessed down lights. Key lockable push button controls. Emergency stop button in the lift car. Photo electric sensors across the door entrance. Back up battery power for lighting & lowering of the car. Emergency manual lowering facility provided in the machine cabinet. A non-reversal timer of 5 seconds is fitted to allow the rider in the car enough time to openthe landing door once the car has stopped without the threat of the car being called by another operator. Automatic homing of lit carTime out in the event that the lift car is overloaded.
What happens to the lift if the power goes out?Supplied with emergency battery back up, should the power ever fail whilst traveling inside the lift, the lights will remain on and the lift car will lower to the ground level for safe exiting. For our low rise lifts, over 30 operations can be sustained by the batteries on power failure.
What type of power is required for the lift?240 volt 16amp.
How much power will the lift use?Typically less than $2 per month.
What after hours service do CHOICElifts provide?We are providing a 24/7 emergency service our phones are diverted after hours to one of our on-call technicians.
If a lift stopped mid way do I have to pay for a technician to come and fix the problem?No. All of our lifts are fitted with a manual lowering device inside their machine cabinet. This means by simply releasing the hydraulic valve or by means of battery driven motor, the lift car will lower to the ground level, were the groceries can be cleared away from the lift car sensors or retrieved.
What is the lead time for CHOICElifts' lift?Depending on demand, CHOICElifts can normally supply an elevator for residential and commercial use between 6-8 weeks and 4 weeks for low rise elevators. Overseas supplied lifts are variable depending on stock on hand, availability and selected freight. Usually overseas orders are followed by lift delivery in about 10 - 14 weeks depending on country of origin.
What other trades need to be involved with my lift installation?Generally, you may need a builder and an electrician. All Choice Lifts quotations include a comprehensive list of building works to be undertaken by others. We can also quote on some of building and electrical work as we are licensed to do electrical work.
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